During his flight from home, being at home a sitcom actress Arumi LPSK protection. Stars '18 + 'it was still monitoring the news about his case on television. Arumi was disappointed with the news that circulated over the years.
"Arumi said he was disappointed with the preaching in the media 'sorry for yes LPSK be seen as negative," said Vice Chairman of the Agency, Lies Sulistiani to detikhot, Saturday (16/04/2011).
Still according to Lies, Arumi also told media that he is too tired to expose her case. A sitcom actress who was mentioned in a relationship with actor Miller was also monitored their families who have exhausted the patience to ask Arumi get home.
"Arumi like to regard television as well. So to be more 'why my parents is that it?" So he knows how to anger his parents, and these children more scared if you ask me, "he added.
Lies claimed to have reports from officers at home Arumi protection. According to these officials, Arumi like to cry when there is news that incriminating himself.
Souce : Detik
Related words on this post :
keluarga ,komentar ,wanita ,selebriti ,perlindungan anak ,pacaran ,orang tua ,minola ,komisi ,kak seto ,jakarta ,berita
"Arumi said he was disappointed with the preaching in the media 'sorry for yes LPSK be seen as negative," said Vice Chairman of the Agency, Lies Sulistiani to detikhot, Saturday (16/04/2011).
Still according to Lies, Arumi also told media that he is too tired to expose her case. A sitcom actress who was mentioned in a relationship with actor Miller was also monitored their families who have exhausted the patience to ask Arumi get home.
"Arumi like to regard television as well. So to be more 'why my parents is that it?" So he knows how to anger his parents, and these children more scared if you ask me, "he added.
Lies claimed to have reports from officers at home Arumi protection. According to these officials, Arumi like to cry when there is news that incriminating himself.
Souce : Detik
Related words on this post :
keluarga ,komentar ,wanita ,selebriti ,perlindungan anak ,pacaran ,orang tua ,minola ,komisi ,kak seto ,jakarta ,berita
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